Differences between the old and updated website:
Old (versions have been updated semi-regularly):
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Rails 6.0.3
- PostgreSQL
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- CoffeeScript
- TurboLinks
- Asset Pipeline
Updated (will keep versions currently until I go live):
- ruby 3.1.3
- Rails 7.0.4
- PostgreSQL
- [Chota] (https://jenil.github.io/chota/) - instead of Bootstrap/SCSS.
- Hotwire/Turbo/Stimulus - no jQuery, CoffeeScript
- Import Maps, minimal or no asset pipeline, Webpack, NodeJS
In addition to adding features, the changes to CSS and Javascript means that all of the views need to be redone. Chota is a very light-weight CSS framework. It contains just enough CSS to keep me happy. I can add other helper CSS classes myself. Stimulus is also working well so far.
There are probably other differences. I’ll mention them later, as they occur to me.